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I've Retired, Now What? A Guide for Health & Wellness After Retirement Paula Herrmann
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9781682735060
This guidebook is a helpful tool for anyone entering, or experiencing retirement. Although the concepts discussed in this book are great for anyone to practice, it is specifically meant to address the needs of retirees regarding their overall health and wellness. There are areas to write in thoughts or work through goals. Think of it as your own pocket health coach. Perfect for anyone wanting to improve or maintain wellness and quality of life.
LED & Light Therapy: Clinical Procedures CURTIS TURCHIN
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781947962033
Learn to heal many types of injuries and problems in ANY part of the body using light therapy.
Longevity Masters Dr. Jerry Petermann
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Very soon, perhaps tomorrow, the Scientists of Longevity WILL crack the Code of Life. The very rich, billionaires, oligarchs and "Entitled Politicians" will take possession of this technology. They will immediately be able to add years, decades and perhaps centuries to their lives. They will seek to become The Lessor Gods of Tomorrow for they will never share Extended Life! Doing so would destroy what they crave even more than extra years: Power over us all. Learn who they are and how far they have come. Learn just how close this future could be...
Low Risk Neonatal Certification Review for RNC Justine Wood
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book provides a comprehensive collection of 350 practice exam questions, enough for two full length practice exams. The questions were written by a practicing neonatal nurse practitioner with over 10 years of experience in neonatology. The neonatal low risk RNC exam is designed for NICU nurses looking to becoming certified in their field. By becoming certified, nurses demonstrate commitment to their patients and a desire to take their knowledge to the next level. For more information, visit
Lymphatic F.L.O.W: Elevate Lymph, Raise Vibration, and Open Your Heart to Obtain True Wellness Kelly Kennedy
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890901859
"Lymphatic F.L.O.W." is a captivating exploration of the lymphatic system's pivotal role in achieving optimal health and overall well-being. Within these pages, Kelly Kennedy, affectionately known as the "lymph queen," delves deep into the profound influence of the lymphatic system on our physical, emotional, and energetic states. With a compelling focus on maintaining alignment with the natural flow of life, Kelly presents readers with a transformative journey through seven practical steps. These steps not only enhance the functionality of the lymphatic system but also elevate energy levels and raise one's vibrational frequency. Readers will discover the secrets to activating thei ...
Managing Mental Health Torie Ford
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9781312595644
The book helps with managing mental health and utilizing coping skills. There are various exercises included to help with daily stress and self care. Torie Ford, author, LCDC, social worker, mom, and wife. the founder and owner of Motivation of Hope & LJB Elite Services. website:, Facebook: Motivation of Hope
Mapa de Implementación Impactivista: Liderando en Salud Optima Maria Levis
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
El propósito del "Mapa de Implementación ImpACTivista: Liderando en Salud Optima" es proveerles un sistema que les apoye para que vivan la vida saludable, feliz y con impacto que merecen. Desarrollé este sistema después de que mi cuerpo colapsara por estar tan enfocada en transformar nuestro sistema de salud para mejorar la salud de los pacientes. Irónico, ¿verdad? Como muchos de ustedes, estaba priorizando el trabajo sobre mi salud y eso afectaba mi capacidad de tener un mayor impacto. Necesitaba encontrar una forma de lograr más enfocándome en lo que es importante. Al igual que las normas de emergencia en un avión para el uso de las mascarillas de oxígeno, los líderes deben priorizar ...
MBA for Doctors Brian Hazelgren
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9781645504122
The MBA for Doctors – Physician’s Game Plan contains a wealth of extremely important and valuable information that can help you navigate through the process of running a successful practice for medicine - and a small business. Physician entrepreneurs are vital to the advancement of medicine. Physicians often have great ideas for new devices or treatments, but most of the time do not understand how to turn their idea into reality. A physician with a business background can have a thriving practice!
Me: Self-Care Daily Journal KP Jones
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This journal is your blueprint to clarity. With plenty of space to Set your Self Care Goals. Start your Self Care Plan. And Reflect on your progress. This journal includes 100 pages and plenty of writing space to articulate your thoughts. There’s no set date to start taking care of you. Your mental health or your physical intent. Don’t wait until the 1st of any day or year. Let today be your 1st. Write it down and make it plain! This Journal is titled after you! Happy journaling and congratulations in advance!
Meditation & Tai Chi Chuan Student Guide Mu Shiki Lama B.A. Ninchi Lang
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633184633

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